In this reality, there is so much that touches us. The environments are consistently bracing our bodies and igniting our senses.
Beings never cease to invoke thoughts that quickly breed a wilderness of emotion. People, to a certain extent, are thrilled by feeling. They desire it, long for it, and even pay for it. Realizing this puts a prominent part of our existence into perspective. The highlights of our lives are ones in which we live out great emotion. Positive, blissful, exciting, painful, and heartbreaking memories are categorized by how they make you feel.
If we take any person alive and watch them long enough, truly seeing and know them, one will come to experience an endless stream of emotions that surpasses all the greatest works of art combined.
Man is to novels as novels are to motion pictures—the essence of character.
Do we follow along with those that are a part of our lives? Or do most of us know enough about a memory to bother with the present? Maybe we are selfish. Have we pacified the undeniable need within all of us for expression and emotion, to feel and inspire feeling by living through the stories we see on screens
If someone is a part of your life and worth your time and love, it is worth seeing, hearing, and knowing them selflessly and honestly.
χLaila Leone